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Lessons Learned From Some Of The Best Ruby Codebases - Part 3

Welcome to the third part of the series - you can find the first part here and the second part here.

In this part I will again focus on some other highly interesting gems Mutant uses, in particular the Abstract Type gem and the Adamantium gem.

Abstract Type

The Abstract Type gem allows you to declare abstract type classes and modules in an unobstrusive way:

In programming languages, an abstract type is a type in a nominative type system that cannot be instantiated directly. Abstract types are also known as existential types.An abstract type may provide no implementation, or an incomplete implementation. Often, abstract types will have one or more implementations provided separately, for example, in the form of concrete subclasses that can be instantiated. It may include abstract methods or abstract properties that are shared by its subtypes.

When would you use an abstract type?

Think about your typical web shop. You might have a base user class with some common methods:

class User
  def full_name
    "#{first_name} #{last_name}"

And then you have 2 other, more concrete classes like this:

class RegisteredUser < User
  def login
    # Login via email / password

class GuestUser < User
  def login
    # login via ephemeral link

You never intend to actually instantiate an object of a User, only of RegisteredUser and GuestUser, so User is an abstract type (this is also called the template method pattern). However in its current state every other user of your classes, e.g. your fellow programmer sitting next to you, could instantiate this class accidentally and introduce a subtle bug in your application since this object would probably be usable in some senses but in other not.

With Abstract Type you would fix this like this:

class User
  include AbstractType

  # Declare abstract instance method
  abstract_method :login

  def full_name
    "#{first_name} + #{last_name}"
end  # raises NotImplementedError: User is an abstract type

This will not only prevent bugs like above but also - and for me this is even more important - communicates your intention clearly. There’s no guessing here. It’s immediately clear that User is not supposed to be instantiated.

At this point you might think “But wait a sec, if you can’t instantiate a user, what’s the point of that abstract_method call?”.

Excellent question!

Ruby being, well, Ruby, there are of course multiple ways to instantiate objects. You could use allocate for example:

user =  # raises NotImplementedError: User is an abstract type
# Ok, let's go with `allocate`
user = User.allocate
# => #<User:0x007feab3af8e30>
# NotImplementedError: User#login is not implemented

So how does it work? Let’s start with the include statement and then work our way to abstract_method.

When you call

include AbstractType

in your class this will prompt the Ruby runtime to call the included callback that is defined at the top level of the gem:

module AbstractType
  def self.included(descendant)

  # snip

With create_new_method looking like this:

def self.create_new_method(abstract_class)
  abstract_class.define_singleton_method(:new) do |*args, &block|
    if equal?(abstract_class)
      fail NotImplementedError, "#{inspect} is an abstract type"
      super(*args, &block)

Ok, there is a lot going on here, so let’s go through it step by step:

We’re dynamically overwriting in the class that we intend to make abstract. The important part here is that this new is also what will be used when we call new on subclasses but it doesn’t affect the “original” new in all other, unrelated classes. That’s because of Ruby’s “one step to the right, then up the ancestor chain” method lookup.

If you’re confused now I’d recommend to stop reading this article and to read up on the Ruby object model and especially on Ruby’s method lookup and then return here.

Ok, ready to continue?

In the new, uhm, new we fail if self is equal to the abstract class. The equality check here is based on BasicObject#equal? which checks for strict identity. Also note that we are not using raise here but fail instead (which is just an alias for raise), something that is kind of controversial in the Ruby community.

When we’re in one of the subclasses of our abstract class this guard will fail in which case we’re just delegating to the original

With this out of the way let’s get back to the included callback:

def self.included(descendant)

The descendant (read: “base class” this module is included in) is extending the AbstractMethodDeclarations module here, thus adopting its methods as singleton methods (or class methods in layman’s terms).

One of those methods is the abstract_method we saw in the example at the beginning:

def abstract_method(*names)

This is the method that allows you to declare your abstract method a la:

abstract_method :foo, :bar

A bunch of interesting things going on here. First of all, we’re using a neat little trick that is kind of the reverse of Ruby Symbol#to_proc feature.



basically means

names.each do |name|
  create_abstract_instance_method name

and heavily relies on Method#to_proc. You can read up on how this works here.

The self at the end

def abstract_method(*names)

allows you to chain calls to abstract_method (of which I don’t really see the point here since you rarely chain class macros, but I guess the author follows his own conventions in this case).

And what does create_abstract_instance_method do?

def create_abstract_instance_method(name)
  define_method(name) do |*|
    fail NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}##{name} is not implemented"

It defines an abstract instance method that will do nothing but …. fail with a proper error message. Exactly what we need to implement abstract types. Note that there’s also a sister method to abstract_method that’s called abstract_singleton_method which does the same thing for singleton methods which I’m not showing here for the sake of brevity.


Adamantium allows you to make objects immutable in a simple, unobtrusive way.

Sounds a lot like the IceNine gem I covered in the last part of the series, doesn’t it?

Well, it kind of is and it kind of isn’t. Adamantium uses IceNine under the hood for the actual freezing. The real value of Adamantium comes from offering high level strategies that you can easily apply to your objects where IceNine is more of the functional base library.

Why would you need immutable objects?

With the resurgence of functional programming these days people talk a lot about “immutable data”. Immutable data structures are one of the core tenets of functional programming and something that is notoriously hard to get right in Ruby.

Imagine you have a bank account model like this in Ruby:

class Account
  attr_reader :balance, :interest

  def initialize
    @balance = 10 # every new customer gets 10 Euro upon account creation
    @interest = 1.05

  def apply_yearly_interest
    @balance = balance * interest

In its current form, every other piece of code in your application could mutate it like this:

account =
# => #<Account:0x007fe7d1611e88 @balance=0>
# => 10
account.instance_variable_set :@interest, 100

# => 1000 # Whoopsie

Adamantium to the rescue!

require 'adamantium'

class Account
  include Adamantium
  attr_reader :balance, :interest
  memoize :interest
  # snip

Now watch what happens when I try my shenanigans from before again:

account =
# => #<Account:0x007fe7d1611e88 @balance=0>
# => 10
account.instance_variable_set :@interest, 100
# RuntimeError: can't modify frozen #<Class:#<Account:0x007ff259889390>>
# from (pry):20:in `instance_variable_set'

Basically Adamantium offers 3 strategies for freezing your objects:

The default strategy is deep. Here’s the example from the README:

require 'adamantium'
require 'securerandom'

class Example
  include Adamantium

  # Memoized method with deeply frozen value (default)
  # Example:
  # object =
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random.frozen? => true
  # object.random[0].frozen? => true
  def random
  memoize :random

And now let’s contrast this with the flat strategy:

class FlatExample
  include Adamantium::Flat

  # Memoized method with flat frozen value (default with Adamantium::Flat)
  # Example:
  # object =
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random.frozen? => true
  # object.random[0].frozen? => false
  def random
  memoize :random

For the sake of brevity, we’ll exclude the noop mode and focus on the deep and flat mode.

Let’s start our investigation with the included callback for the Adamantium module:

module Adamantium
  def self.included(descendant)
    descendant.class_eval do
      include Memoizable
      extend ModuleMethods
      extend ClassMethods if instance_of?(Class)
  private_class_method :included

Ok, included gets passed in the class it is included on called descendant and then re-opens this class using class_eval. We then include the Memoizable module (which I won’t cover here) and extend ModuleMethods and ClassMethods.

We’ll start with checking out ModuleMethods:

module Adamantium
  module ModuleMethods
    def freezer

    # snip

    def memoize(*methods)
      options        = methods.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? methods.pop : {}
      method_freezer = Freezer.parse(options) || freezer
      methods.each { |method| memoize_method(method, method_freezer) }

The freezer methods determines what strategy to use. As I already mentioned above you can see that deep is the default strategy. And then there’s the memoize method you saw being used above in our example from the README. There’s quite a lot going on in this method so let’s step through it line by line:

options = methods.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? methods.pop : {}

That’s a neat trick right there. This allows us to write

memoize :whatever # or...
memoize :whatever, option: :bar

and it will still work out.

Note that you couldn’t do this just with Ruby’s default arguments:

def foo(*names, hashie = {}); end
# => SyntaxError: unexpected '=', expecting ')'

You could achieve the same using Ruby’s keyword arguments like this:

def foo(*names, hashie: {}); end

but I assume this code was written with Ruby < 2 in mind which didn’t support keyword arguments.

Next we determine the freezer to use via the options or use the default freezer (which is deep like already mentioned):

method_freezer = Freezer.parse(options) || freezer

We then iterate over all the methods the object in question has and freeze them via memoize_method

methods.each { |method| memoize_method(method, method_freezer) }

only to return self at the end


so we can chain the memoize calls if we like.

Let’s check out how the actual freezing is done:

module Adamantium
  class Freezer
    class Deep < self
      def self.freeze(value)

Ok, so the deep freezing is delegated to IceNine on which you can read up here.

One thing I’d quickly like to talk about though is this:

module Adamantium
  class Freezer
    class Deep < self  # <- Wat?
      # snip

Deep inherits from self. And what is self here?

class Omg; puts self; class Bar < self; end; end
# => Omg


class Deep < self

is actually a fancy way of writing

class Deep < Freezer

But why are we doing this here instead of being explicit? It’s making our intention explicit without duplicating names across our module. And even if you rename Freezer to something else, this line doesn’t change, which makes it easier to refactor and less error-prone to subtle bugs.

Is it a huge deal? No. It isn’t. But in a larger code base small things like can make the difference between “barely maintainable” and “updating functionality is a walk in the park”.

Before we wrap this up here let’s look at one last thing:

We saw how the default strategy is applied. What about that the flat strategy?

A quick reminder to how applying and using the flat strategy looked like:

class FlatExample
  include Adamantium::Flat
  # object =
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random => ["abcdef"]
  # object.random.frozen? => true
  # object.random[0].frozen? => false
  def random
  memoize :random

As you can see, you just include the Flat submodule of Adamantium.

How is this implemented?

Let’s look at the included callback:

module Adamantium
  module Flat
    def freezer

    def self.included(descendant)
      descendant.instance_exec(self) do |mod|
        include Adamantium
        extend mod

That’s pretty cool. Let me walk you through it:

descendant.instance_exec(self) do |mod|
  # snip

We’re calling instance_exec on the descendant and pass self in. What’s self now? It’s the module constant, so…Adamantium::Flat. We then include Adamantium. That is something we already covered above in this article. So business as usual. But then we extend mod, so Adamantium::Flat. Why? Because this basically overwrites the freezer methods that we imported in our class by doing

include Adamantium

so that this now returns the flat strategy

def freezer

not the deep strategy

def freezer


So long story short, this is just a very advanced configuration mechanism. Granted, it might seem a little complicated but at the same time it completely separates the modules from each other making it easier to update one without updating the other.

Wrapping it up

What we discussed today:

That’s it for part of this series. Both gems we looked at in this article are pretty small, but packed with a lot of features.

In the upcoming part 4 I will be looking at the enterprise gem from Aaron Patterson because currently the Ruby eco system is definitely not leveraging the power of xml.